Don't get me wrong, I like Google... but sometimes the things they do annoy me. There is the whole google+ sometimes turns you into a no reply blogger thing. Don't worry I created a tutorial for that if you are in the situation. Then this whole getting rid of Google reader... not happy about that either. And now google+ comments.
However it got really quite around here. My page hits were fine, but the comments were nonexistent. So clicked to see what these new comments looked like. They look cool enough until you try to add a comment. It turns out that in order to comment you have have a google+ account. I mean its right there in the FAQ.. that of course I didn't read all the way through.
OK So that is bad and explains a lot. I don't want to force people to have a google+ account just to say hey I like your quilt or oh look at those adorable GSDs or just to say hey, but some people must already have google+ accounts, so why am I still not hearing anything for anyone.
It turns out there is another catch. If the person who's commenting has their Google+ set to private or only family or whatever and your aren't in their circle you can't see what post.
So people can post on my blog... but I can't see it... Hmm that doesn't make my blog very interactive. My fault again that was right in the about section. I should really read things through before deciding to change to the new Google+ products.
After figuring out all of this I thought they must tell you how to revert back to blogger comments. Well, If they do I can't find it. After searching for a long bit and it not being where I would have guessed I finally figured it out. Since this took me forever to figure out and I have a feeling others like me may have thought "cool combining comments", I decided to share how to turn off Google+ Comments on blogger. I promise it is much simpler than you would thing, but there is a little trick. Oh yeah and this tutorial is only for those who have made to switch to a google+ profile, because if you are still a blogger profile don't have the option for google+ comments until you make the switch.
First sign into your blog from the dashboard and then look to the left options under my blogs. Now I know you would think that the comment option is under settings - post and comments, but it is not, so don't even look there. The google+ comments is under the Google+.
To get rid of the Google+ comments uncheck the second box. That is it. Now you are back to blogger comments and you can control those by going to settings - post and comments.
Told you it was easy. That is if you know where to look. If not your could spend say a half hour to an hour of your time trying to figure out how to revert back to a good thing where people can have a converstation with the blog writing with out having to choose to share publicly under google+, which I have no idea how to do unless you share everything publicly.
Ok enough with my rant- have a great day. I hope this helps out someone else in the same situation as I was.
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